Please Join us December 9th, 2014 for our Annual Executive Briefing!
ProNet Systems, Inc. will host the next complimentary Executive Briefing at the City Club, Raleigh, NC from 8.30 am to 3.00 pm on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. Click here to view the full Executive Briefing Program.
RSVP Now for this seminar, titled “Keeping up with Security Technology and Trends” which will include technology updates and presentations related to Advances in Digital Video/CCTV and Video Analytics, Credential & Biometrics Review (including the use of the smart phone as an access credential) and Totally Integrated Access and High Resolution Video.
Recent Hacking and Security Breach situations have brought to the forefront the ever increasing challenges associated with the protection of assets against sophisticated cyber-attacks.
Most security professionals are becoming more involved in this aspect of security and the discussion on Hacking and Network Security 101 will provide an overview on these threats and recommendations to avoid attack.
During the lunch break the Key Note Address will be presented by a representative of the Department of Homeland Security, who will discuss the current threat environment.
The City Club - previously known as the Cardinal Club - is located as follows:
City Club Raleigh
150 Fayetteville Street
28th Floor – Wells Fargo Building
Raleigh, NC 27601
In addition to the lectures and demonstrations, other significant and related technologies will be summarized during the “Other Technology on the Watch List” session and industry specialists will be on hand to answer questions and provide demonstrations during the product review period.
You will receive a soft copy of the Power Point slides and other information related to the presentations and demonstrations. Refreshments and lunch are included and the door prize draw will take place during lunch and later in the day. Attendance certificates will be available at the end of the lecture program and may be submitted for ASIS CPP or similar recertification.
Although this seminar is by invitation only please feel free to include any associates who may benefit from the program. Seating is limited however, so early RSVP is recommended.
We hope to see you there!
SIGN UP NOW for the ProNet Systems Seminar 2014!